My first name is Matenin, known as Sham’s. With a degree in commercial and marketing engineering, I have had the privilege of holding positions of responsibility in various businesss. Working in business has been a very rewarding experience! Yet over the years, I felt that I was missing something to be fulfilled. During a meditation, an image of my grandmother appeared whodied when my father was only 7 years old. She possessed extraordinary knowledge of the virtues of plants.
This has earned him the reputation of treating challenging cases that modern medicine could not treat. Some doctors in the town of Bouaflé (Republic of Cote d’Ivoire) used to collaborate with her on these cases.
At each of these apparitions, she transmitted to me her knowledge of the virtues of plants. I approached the elderly and elderly, who gave me more information about these plants. All of these people have mostly of them, always been part of my life.
From my childhood to this day, I have had the privilege of enjoying their wise advice, grandmother’s tricks, knowledge of religion and, above all, African values and traditions.
From revelations to revelations, but also from the mentoring of all these people around me, I began my turn to counsel and help other people. Who were more and more satisfied with what I shared with them, both on plants and on couple life and life in general, but especially on the African tricks.
Being a member of several groups on Facebook, I was thus observed by my different interventions. I realized at that time that many young people had not had the chance to acquire the values of our traditions.
This is how I started to sell products from plants and traditional medicine. In May 2014, SHAM’S BIEN-ETRE (Facebook account) will be born, with the main objective, to help couples and mainly women, to return to traditions and ancestral African tricks.
Soon, I got noticed on the web, thanks to the different testimonials on my Facebook profile. Two months later, I began to receive more and more people at my home (Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso). In order to help as many people as possible, I decided to devote myself entirely to this passion.
In 2015, SHAM’S AFRIQUE, is formally established with the office of Ouagadougou as its headquarters. Several representations including Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and France will be created to be closer and in touch with customers.
In April 2017, SHAM’S AFRIQUE INTERNATIONAL INC. open its offices in Pennsylvania, the United States of America and Canada.
Thanks to the seriousness, passion and know-how of our representatives, SHAM’S AFRIQUE INTERNATIONAL is present on three continents to be closer to its customers.